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Surrendering to Life’s Perfection….

Updated: Mar 5

Olivia is the owner of a 6 year old Througbred gelding.

When we left her horse 🐎 back in NC I promised to buy her another one. I had no idea 🤷‍♀️ how that would happen since I had no job and not a cent to my name.

But Love is always at work! I believe that Love is looking and waiting to bless those who will enter into this energy stream. It's what Jesus talked about when he said you must BELIEVE FIRST and then you will receive. It's what A Course In Miracles talks about when it urges us to KNOW WE ALREADY HAVE ALL ABUNDANCE. It's what all the great mystics and saints have been speaking since the beginning of time. It's what Joe Dispenza teaches....radical faith that is backed by science.

Anyone can receive, anyone can be healed. It depends not on WHAT YOU BELIEVE rather that YOU BELIEVE. Meaning you can be a part of any throught stream or religion....they all have the SAME EXACT DESTINATION and OUTCOME.

How amazing we are teathered to such LOVE!


So, here we are back in California now for 6 months. I work 3 days a week and make more money than most people do in 2 weeks, maybe 3. Didn't see that coming....I knew it would....but so soon? And I bought Olivia the horse BY MYSELF. And I paid CASH.

The ranch where she keeps her horse is the EXACT HOME and BARN where I grew up and kept my horse. My board for Olivia's horse is 150. a month. The ranch is on the next street from our home. We walk here.

But before the horse became Olivia's officially.....there was a bit of unrest between the seller and Olivia. I knew the moment I saw Olivia jump him, he was perfect for her.

The owner did not know and actually sold him to someone else.

I didn't hang on with bulldog faith like I would have in the past for a couple reasons.

One. I knew she WAS GETTING A HORSE. This one or another.

Two. I've been doing my best to exercise what Michael Singer calls, "Surrenduring to life's perfection." The more I surrender, the more I'm free to BE NOTHING BUT WHAT THE MOMENT offers. I don't have to law of attraction, or mantra my way out or into anything. And I use LOA and I use mantras, these are great tools. But for this new season in my life I want nothing but surrender.

So when the owner kept texting me giving me reasons I kept encouraging her to just do what she felt was right and that it would all work out in the end.

This went on for a week until one day she called and said, "The horse is Olivia's."

As much as I long for deep intimacy with a man, the universe is giving me deep intimacy with my children. 🙄 Creating mind blowing sex is so much funner than preparing meals and folding laundry. But I know the rewards of involved parenting far exceed the temporal pleasures of sexual pleasure. BUT....I want BOTH. And I believe I can have this. I've watched Yours, Mine and Ours (1968) a few times in the last month to keep my faith high! 😄

I think I want relationship, but really that's not the truth. What I really want is love. And, I know where to find it. THERE'S ONLY ONE ☝️ PLACE I'VE EVER EXPERIENCED THIS CONTINUAL AND LASTING LOVE.



When I sit, when I breathe, and I drop down to the depths of my soul....there YOU (she/I /it/him) are. To feel you is all I ever need. Your love pours down upon me, through me, in me and around me. Your love is tanglible and penetrates me to my very core.

Thank you Divine Love.

"The desire to KNOW YOUR OWN SOUL will end all other desires." Rumi

We are a world of shallow and empty humans (me included). We need a "fix" to feel better. We look wrongly to outside, thinking we will find something that sooths.

We try religion.

We try a new job.

We try a new car, a new partner, a new book, a new plastic surgeon, a new exercise program, a new drug....and NOTHING satisfies.

That's because what we are looking for is ALREADY WITHIN US. We ARE what we seek.

Go after your SOUL sister! Bless and praise your body, nature, your very being! Give thanks and gratitude for your VERY BREATH!

Each breath could be our very last and yet; each breath I breathe on my mat draws me deeper towards open heartedness with the Divine.

NOTHING MATTERS BUT LOVE. And we will never know love if we we don't go after it with reckless abandonment. For there is NOTHING else that satisfies.


All of my soul, sees and honors your soul. Namaste.


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