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My Ego Hurts, Spirit Rejoices….the HORSE.

This is what I came home to yesterday….a front yard full of girls and horses. My daughter Olivia is the girl in the back, Daniella her friend stands in front. Olivia sitting on her Cedar.

Thank you Divine Love for caring and providing for anyone who will call upon you/it. My daughter has called and Divine Love has provided. Making a way for a horse, 🐴 and providing the perfect circumstances for radical provision for this horse from the rent (150. a month) to the location of the horse (next street over from our home….we walk!)

Yesterday my former husband and I took our daughter out to dinner for her birthday. 🎉 Before we dined and in the parking lot, Mikayla lit a joint (thank you Divine for your medicine!) and I had a few good puffs.

You know what? Fuck….Eric’s gonna read this now and think god is getting us back together….but that’s not gonna happen 🙅‍♀️. If there is no love or CHEMISTRY and no CHEMISTRY or love… thank you. And I’m freaking 53 and have the hormones of a teenage boy….😜.

But all is well because the TRUTH is….as much as I want a partner and lots of deep intimacy (sex)…..I WANT GOD MORE. And I can say this only because I’ve been tethered to Spirit since I was a child. Devoted to it I am. I sing to Love, cry tears of gratefulness, and sit in stillness daily, even a few times a day just so “we” can be alone.

Back to the story….. I was stoned…..I wasn’t just cordial to Eric as I usually am, I FELT LOVE for the man. I saw with the eyes of LOVE that being cordial is still fake, it is still untruth. 😩

I felt HOW GOD feels about Eric. 😫. That’s hard on my ego….because my ego doesn’t want to join with the mind of Love. But guess what? I’m SICK of my ego. And….nothing FEELS BETTER than joining with, and yielding to Divine Love.

So we talked, I allowed him to take a million pictures (something I always say no to) and actually, I was interested in joining WITH HIM, as my brother, and a former friend and husband.

It’s so fucking hard to admit I’ve been wrong. But I’ve been. I know you read my blog Eric. Remember when I told you if you were the last man on earth I’d rather f$&@ one of those trees with thorns? THAT STILL STANDS.

But if you were the last man on earth, and I the last woman…I would join you in making jokes, praying, and being silly. I love you as my brother, I always have and I always will.

Let us celebrate our children together in the Spirit of Love, not fake shit like I’ve been doing, but real love borne of truth.

Love ALWAYS wins. 🥰


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